Saturday, January 28, 2012

La saison 2 se prépare, on saute dans un livre de contes !-)

Livre de contes (saison 2 “Jump in Tales”)

Dans la saison 2, les Deskplorers sautent dans un livre de contes !

Au cours de 5 épisodes palpitants, ils vont rencontrer Blanche Neige, Ali Baba, Pinochio, Cendrillon, Peter Pan, Alladin, Le Chat Botté…. et bien d’autres personnages !

Friday, July 8, 2011

L'épisode 5 avance ! Les décors sont plantés !

Voici quelques images que vous retrouverez dans l'épisode 5 "Préhistoire" des Deskplorers.
On dirait la cuisine de Glouton..... on en mangerai, non ?
Quel est ce lieu, quelle est cette machine infermale?

La suite très bientôt!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Making of one image...

 Deskplorers Season One "Jump in Time" contains 5 episodes. Each episode has 6 chapters, each chapter contains between 30 to 40 images (so that's more than 200 images per episode).

Based on the dialogs, Philippe create each image as a classical drawing:

To have a first view of the episode, we create an alpha version of the game with these drawings.

Then the media team creates the landscape and background, using textures and kids objects:
See how beautiful this castle is?

Next step is to add the different layers of landscape:
At this stage, the white borders are use to give more depth to the picture.

Finally, the characters are created in Flash in their final position & expression, and integrated in the landscape:

That' it, you do that 200 times per episode, 1000 times per season !-)